MP Bio's thermoluminescent (TLD-XBGN) dosimeter badges measure ionizing radiation and can be used to determine accurate radiation exposure in the workplace. The badge contains four separate thermoluminescent phosphors for calculating tissue equivalence and determining actual doses of radiation. When the phosphors are heated, previously absorbed energy from ionizing radiation exposure is re-emitted in the form of light. The light output is measured, and the dose is calculated. A report is published with a minimal reportable dose of 10mrem.
Application Notes
Annual occupational dose limits are established for different parts of the body. The whole body refers to the head and trunk of the body, including the arms above the elbows, the legs above the knees, and the reproductive organs. The skin refers to the skin anywhere on the body. The extremities refer to the arms below the elbow and legs below the knees. (All doses are in units of millirems (mrem) of dose that may be received in a calendar year) 5,000 mrem
- Whole Body (Deep Dose Equivalent or DDE)15,000 mrem - Lens of the Eye (Eye Dose Equivalent or LDE)50,000 mrem - Skin (Shallow Dose Equivalent or SDE)50,000 mrem - Extremities (Shallow Dose Equivalent or SDE)500 mrem - Fetus of a Declared Pregnant Radiation Worker (for the entire pregnancy)Dose Limits for Minors 10% of adult limitsWhen the badge is worn on the body, a deep, shallow and eye dose will be reported. Deep dose is the measurement of external exposure received at a tissue depth of 1.0 centimeter. Shallow dose is the measurement of external exposure received at a tissue depth of 0.007 centimeters. Dose to the lens of the eye is the measurement of exposure received at a tissue depth of 0.3 centimeters.
Usage Statement
Unless specified otherwise, MP Biomedical's products are for research or further manufacturing use only, not for direct human use. For more information, please contact our customer service department.
Key Applications
Radiation monitoring; accredited dose monitoring program; thermoluminescent dosimeter; dose reporting