High Yield PCR EcoDry Premix is a convenient and eco-friendly lyophilized PCR master mix that lets you amplify DNA templates with minimal effort and maximum ease with high-yield. High Yield PCR EcoDry Premix features the high-yield DNA polymerase blend, Titanium Taq, to enable successful target amplification under the most limiting conditions—even with just a few molecules of template present—and is perfect for routine high-throughput applications, such as colony PCR.
High Yield PCR EcoDry Premix is a convenient and eco-friendly lyophilized PCR master mix that lets you amplify DNA templates with minimal effort and maximum ease with high-yield. High Yield PCR EcoDry Premix features the high-yield DNA polymerase blend, Titanium Taq, to enable successful target amplification under the most limiting conditions—even with just a few molecules of template present—and is perfect for routine high-throughput applications, such as colony PCR.