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Showing 4141–4160 of 4265 results
Uridine is a nucleoside, contains an uracil attached to a ribose ring (known as a ribofuranose) via a ß-N1-glycosidic bond. It is an organic compound of the pyrimidine family, that occurs as one of the four bases coding genetic information in the polynucleotide chain of RNA.
Long life UV tubes designed for MP Bio Transilluminators; Portable lamps or Template Tammer
Long life UV tubes designed for MP Bio Transilluminators; Portable lamps or Template Tammer
Long life UV tubes designed for MP Bio Transilluminators; Portable lamps or Template Tammer
Long life UV tubes designed for MP Bio Transilluminators; Portable lamps or Template Tammer
Long life UV tubes designed for MP Bio Transilluminators; Portable lamps or Template Tammer
Long life UV tubes designed for MP Bio Transilluminators; Portable lamps or Template Tammer
The Vacuum Blotter for quick and efficient transfer of DNA or RNA onto suitable membrane such as Positive Nylon membrane. Transfer efficiency close to 100% in less than one hour with low transfert solution consuption. Largworking area 28 x 28 cm.
Creates vacuum up to 25 mm Hg. For use in conjunction with membrane filters (catalog number 07DP1000) for the SafTest system.
Creates vacuum up to 25 mm Hg. For use in conjunction with membrane filters (catalog number 07DP1000) for the SafTest system.
Vanderzant Vitamin Mixture for insects is an animal-derived component free vitamin mixture developed or use in insect cell culture
Vanderzant-Adkisson Special Wheat Germ Diet For Insects